Wednesday 2 March 2016

Princess Daphne a fantasy novel by Eddie Gubbins

Princess Daphne a fantasy novel by Eddie Gubbins

It has been six years since the war with the Black Elves and their being sent back to the other place by Edward Eastland as related in the three novels of the Rombuli Saga. During those six years Edward had settled into his role as the Governor of Rombuli and Sandaria. His trading business was prospering and his home life happy. His daughter Dorethea  was shoeing signs of power or magic as Tag would describe it. His son Thomas was demonstrating healing powers. Tag's son William had set himself up, even at six years old, as the protector of Dorethea.
In those quiet moments, when Edward was on his own, he had to admit that he was missing the tension and the fear that had been part of his life. At times he could almost feel the tingle when he had entered an alien space not knowing what enemies he would find. He missed the fast beating heart while creeping through enemy territory. Then he thought of the pulling in of his power to help his friends or himself. Testing himself against other people who wanted to use their power to subjugate other people. All this he missed.
With no warning, one day the dragon Ambrosa arrives from the Golden City of the Elves. She informs him that she has been sent by the Queen of the Elves to tell him that an alien creature has ben captured by the elves. All they can understand from the creature is the name Edward Eastland.. Will he come to the Golden City and help to solve the mystery of the creature.
Edward has to consider whether if he answer the cry for help he will be drawn back into the world he thought he had left for ever.

Available from Amazon, kindle, createspace and smashwords.

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