Monday 30 September 2019

Saving Grace a new novel by Eddie Gubbins

Last year I was sitting in bed drinking my tea listening to the Today Programme when I heard of a couple who had been married for over fifty years but their children had placed them in nursing homes  25 miles apart. Hearing this brought to mind a theory of mine. When we grow old we become invisible. On many occasions it is asthough we are not there. Walking along the road, young people sweep us out of the way. Waiting to be served with a drink in a bar, we are often ignored while the young server takes the order of another youngster.
Then as in the case of the couple married for over fifty years, families might think they are doing the right thing but the end result is often very difficult for the older couple.
With this in mind, I started to write  a novel. It concerns the question of what will happen if the married couple of fifty years are separated.
Saving Grace follows Tony's plans to get together with Grace despite the opinion of his children.
I sent this to a publisher with a positive response but I have not heard from them for a while. I am not getting any younger so I have decided to self publish. It will be available in about a month.

Tuesday 10 September 2019


I have to confess that I am a passionate remainer when it comes to the UK and European Union. On a simple level unlike my father and his father I have not had to march away to war in Europe. Neither has my son or his friends. There have been much social legislation from the EU?
But we remainers have to understand the voters of this country voted to leave. Many MPs do not seem to understand this. They spout about democracy while denying there is anything wrong with their trying to stop the UK leaving the EU. They are being indemocratic.
How can the Labour Party act like they are stopping Brexit when a great many of their supporters voted to leave. I do not like Johnson but he is right on this matter.
Most people are fed up with the prevarication of our politicians and just want the matter dealt with.

Monday 9 September 2019

The Pope and the environment

It is heartening to hear the Pope talk about the dangers of global warming and other environmental problems. There is as the saying goes an elephant ignored in the room. The environmental problems are real and growing but not many people actually are explicit about the main cause. There are too many people and the population is growing. Trees are cut down to make way for farms and industry because of the pressure of the population.
The Pope could help with this by starting to admit that the answer is contraception. If he lent his weight to a campaigne for restricting the size of families, a great many of the worlds population would take notice. If he then combined with the leaders of the other great religions there might be a chance of restricting the rise in population.
Some commentators made sarcastic comments about Prince Harry's remark about only having two children but he is giving the lead unlike his brother. The Chinese might have been too harsh but they at least saw the problem.
The population needs to be stabilised and then reduced. Just look at the size of refugee families to see the problem. Lets have a campaigne by religious leaders and politicians to promote contraception around the world.