Sunday, 28 February 2016

The Prisoner of Parison a fantasy novel by Eddie Gubbins

The Prisoner of Parison by Eddie Gubbins
Book 3 of the Rombuli Saga series of fantasy novels 

Edward Eastland and his friends had departed to find the Walloonian Army at Bryant's Ridge. Now all that is left is for the Rombuli army to retreat back to make a stand at the Al;skar River. Grand Master Silker, the leader of the Rombuli Army had said at the strategy meeting," We do not have enough trained soldiers to anything about a direct attack on the enemy. With odds of twelve to one we can do nothing to stop their advance. All we can do is hope that the magicians Nelvask and Latask can hold them up with their magic at Gorland Gap near Nimmar and finally at the Alskar River crossing leading to Alskar Town. The other thing we can do is leave some men behind enemy lines to harass  their backs and attack their supply dumps. I have to admit it is not much of a strategy but it is the only one we can come up with at such short notice. Desperate times call for desperate methods. I know it is in reality a delaying tactic in the hope that something will turn up to help us. I can see little hope in it being successful." 
Deep down they all know it is suicidal but all they can do until somebody leads a party to Parison to rescue the prisoner Tulka. He is the leader of the magician faction called the Covenent but has been overcome by the magic of the Black Elves. With his magic and the rest of the Covenenters there might be a chance of confronting the Black Elves and their magic with some chance of success. The Elves of the Golden City stir in their forest home after being confronted by Edward Eastland and decide to help the humans. The major question is " Who will lead the assault on Parison  or will it have to be a clandestine mission? Where is Edward Eastland and will he be back in time to use his power to help in the rescue of Tulka? The situation is desperate. The enemy appears to have much superior magic  and more troops. Will Nelvask find Edward and will the Elves of the Golden City help in the war with the Black Elves?

Book 1 of the Rombuli Saga
The Teacher of the Rombuli

Book 2 of the Rombuli Saga
The Return of the Exiles.

All available from Amazon as paperbacks, Kindle for downloading as ebook, createspace as a paperbck and smashwords for downloading as an ebook.

Thursday, 25 February 2016

EddieGubbins: " The Return of the Exiles" a fantasy novel by Edd...

EddieGubbins: " The Return of the Exiles" a fantasy novel by Edd...: The Return of the Exiles a fantasy novel by Eddie Gubbins - Book 2 in the Rombuli Saga series. The Empire is disintegrating. There has bee...

" The Return of the Exiles" a fantasy novel by Eddie Gubbins

The Return of the Exiles a fantasy novel by Eddie Gubbins - Book 2 in the Rombuli Saga series.

The Empire is disintegrating. There has been no communication with Parison, the capital of the Empire, for a number of years. Reports reaching Nimmar in Rombuli state that strange creatures have been seen in the rest of the Empire. Sending troops to investigate is proving futile. As soon as they cross the border between Sandaria and the rest of the Empire, nothing is seen or heard of them again. Nelvask, Relask and Latask devised a plan where the army would defend Rombuli until what is happening in the rest of the Empire becomes apparent. Edward is given the task of finding out what has happened to the Walloonian Army at a place in Walloonia called Bryant's Ridge. He leaves his newly wed wife Kitty and in the company of her brother Boric and his friend Tag, sets off to find Bryant's Ridge. In the event, they become cut off from the way back to Rombuli and have to decide on a different road back. Edward is nervous that his powers, or magic as Tag calls them, will not be a match against the magic of the enemy. Will he manage to keep them safe as they try to find their way back to Rombuli? Will Edward manage to find the extent of his powers in time to protect them? During their wanderings will the others follow his lead no matter what dangers they face on the way? Not mentioned explicitly as they set out is the thought that the Empire will exist when they do return.

Available from Amazon, createspace or smashwords.

Monday, 22 February 2016

EddieGubbins: The teacher of the Rombuli

EddieGubbins: The teacher of the Rombuli: The Teacher of the Rombuli by Eddie Gubbins - Book 1 in the Rombuli Saga Series. Edward Eastland lives in an obscure country of the Pariso...

The teacher of the Rombuli

The Teacher of the Rombuli by Eddie Gubbins - Book 1 in the Rombuli Saga Series.
Edward Eastland lives in an obscure country of the Parison Empire, son of the most powerful man in Alskar Province. Idris Eastland . For over a century, the small nation of the Rombuli has been bowed down under the yoke of the Parison Empire and the Imperial Army,. The Emperor and the Imperial High families are maintained in power by the mysterious group of magicians called the Covenent. 
Soon after Edward meets Kitty the daughter of the Imperial Army Commander, the Emperor plans a visit to this distant Province of his Empire. In Alskar Town Square he confronts a Covenenter using his power but has to back down.
Edward is taken to Nimmar the capital of Rombuli and is forced to confront the dichotomy of his hate for the Empire but his love and friendship for some of the Imperial servants? 
Follow Edward as he learns more of the secrets of the Rombuli, attempts to confront the Covenent as he learns more of his power and searches for the ancient Teacher of the Rombuli, Nelvask, who has not been seen for over one hundred years.

Available from Amazon and as a paperback, Kindle and Amazon for downloading as an ebook.

EddieGubbins: A Legacy From Mary

EddieGubbins: A Legacy From Mary: Legacy from Mary by Eddie Gubbins Ken Flood is an academic and events in the wider world do not usually effect his way of life. He...

A Legacy From Mary

Legacy from Mary
Eddie Gubbins

Ken Flood is an academic and events in the wider world do not usually effect his way of life. He has recovered from the incident where he became involved in his brother Norman's mysterious world and gone back to his quiet academic world. Then his research assistant Joshua dies after a mugging. His friend Mary with whom he has worked on research projects dies after a car crash. Joshua and Mary have never met even at conferences. The only connection there is between them, beside friendship with Ken, is a country called Mengambi. Joshua is a Mengambian studying under Ken for his Ph D. He is an outspoken critic  of the present government of Mengambi. Maria tutored short courses in the country on the subject of strategic management. While helping to sort out her papers, Ken comes to the suspicion that the explanations for their deaths are not wholly above board. 
Suddenly Ken is caught up in the game of power exercised in Mengambi when he agreed to take Mary’s place teaching on the short courses in Mengambi. All he set out to do was find out what actually happened to his friends,  whether there was more to his friends deaths than had been reported. His brother asks him to keep his eyes open when in Mengambi and gather any information he can about the people he meets while he is in the country. Soon it appears that he might be out of his depth in a situation with which he is not familiar. Can he survive the pressure of his employer in Mengambi to just do his job and from his brother to " Keep and eye open for actions of the people he meets"?

Available from Amazon, Kindle, Createspace and Smashwords.

Saturday, 20 February 2016

For The Love Of Pauline

The proof copy of my thriller For the love of Pauline by Eddie Gubbins arrived to great excitement only to find there were mistakes and the need for further editing. Job done and waiting for second proof copy. 
Shows the problems of self editing novels for self publication!

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Who are the Scribes and Pharisees now?

Listening to the arguments in the Christian community, the following poem came to me. The way that there is this lack of love and understanding puzzles me.

Who are the Scribes and Pharisees now?

Who are the Scribes and Pharisees now?
The people who hold onto tradition?
Who claim truth carved in stone.
The ones who will not envisage change?
Who deny a developing, living faith.
The ones who have forgotten about love?
Is this not the bedrock of christian belief?
Or do not think about their neighbours?
Where is their authority to condemn others?
Including allowing half the human race
Women never to have leadership or authority.
Where is the evidence of only men
Not women leaders in the church?
Is there no room in their hearts for the different?
Why deny that gay people are sincere? 
Why are they so quick to cast the first stone? 
Is it because of their own doubts and fears?

I do not understand.

In the novel An Ordinary Life by Edmund Gubbins one chapter looks at this question.