Monday 8 August 2022

Monday 8th August 2022

 Sitting in the garden in the shade. It has suddenly become hot. Looking around all the plants are wilting in the dryness. There is not much I can do about that because it looks like the drought will last at least another two weeks. We do use a bowl for washing up which we the use the water to water the hanging baskets and flower pots. They appear to be staying the course and at least giving me a little splashes of colour.

I did get mad this morning listening to the poor dentists bemoaning their lack of money. Like a lot of people who are on high salaries they do not want to give anything back to the society which by their support enabled them to be where they are now. Why do the rich not want to pay their fair share? They hide their money away in dubious schemes knowing that they do not have to worry about where the next meal is coming from or how to pay the bills. 

Trying to watch tennis on the tv with Andy Murray but it is raining in Montreal. We have no idea when the match will start. According to John  Mac it only rains at Wimbledon. Now there is more tennis on tv from all round the world we know this is not true. The other question is what has happened to all the British women tennis players? All that money and nothing to show for it.

It is still warm here for the UK at seven thirty in the evening. The forecasters reckon by Wednesday it will be 35 here. I remember when I sailed through the Arabian Gulf with the temperature in the high forties so 35 does not sound too high. The trouble is as one gets older it is harder to tolerate these extremes.

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