Monday 9 September 2019

The Pope and the environment

It is heartening to hear the Pope talk about the dangers of global warming and other environmental problems. There is as the saying goes an elephant ignored in the room. The environmental problems are real and growing but not many people actually are explicit about the main cause. There are too many people and the population is growing. Trees are cut down to make way for farms and industry because of the pressure of the population.
The Pope could help with this by starting to admit that the answer is contraception. If he lent his weight to a campaigne for restricting the size of families, a great many of the worlds population would take notice. If he then combined with the leaders of the other great religions there might be a chance of restricting the rise in population.
Some commentators made sarcastic comments about Prince Harry's remark about only having two children but he is giving the lead unlike his brother. The Chinese might have been too harsh but they at least saw the problem.
The population needs to be stabilised and then reduced. Just look at the size of refugee families to see the problem. Lets have a campaigne by religious leaders and politicians to promote contraception around the world.

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