Sunday 9 June 2019

Avoiding taxes

Reading the newspaper the other day and my eyes were drawn to an article tucked away on an inside page. A millionaire was found to have earned what to most people was a fortune but had only paid thirty two pounds in tax. To most people this is monstrous. He and his advisors assured the public that it was perfectly legal and he had done nothing wrong. I thought at the time tell that to all the hard working people who pay their taxes before they get their salary or wage.
It might be legal though in some cases that is stretching the definition of legal to its limits. There is however a moral question. He takes advantage of all that taxes pays for without making any contribution. How does he think there are police trying to protect him or the army trying to protect his country. Because people pay their taxes.
As for the NHS I suspect he does not have to use this except in an emergency. Hang on a minute. How are the emergency services paid for but through taxes? How does he live with the fact that he does not make any contribution? Next time he needs an ambulance will he pay the driver?
Finally there is the moral aspect of helping others less fortunate than oneself. I doubt he ever thinks of this. It is a measure of how civilised a society is to share the burden around in the form of support. It is a continued puzzle to me that those who have more than enough try to make sure they keep their wealth to themselves.

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