Tuesday 5 September 2017

A Legacy From Mary by Eddie Gubbins

A Legacy From Mary, a thriller from Eddie Gubbins.
Ken flood is an academic and events in ther wider world are only periferal to his life. He watched the news and knew what was reported but in a second hand way. Then his friends Joshua and ~Mary died in suspicious circumstances. In reality the only connection between them was a country called Mengambi. Joshua was a Mengambian studying for his PhD supervised by Ken. Mary published joint research papers with Ken and organised and lectured on short course in Mengambi. Suddenly Ken became caught up in the game of power being played out in Mengambi when he agreed to take Mary's place teaching on the short course in Mengambi. What. He needed to find out was if there was  more to his friends deaths than reported by the police.
The story follows Ken's attempts to survive ther dichotomy of the pressure from his employed in Mengambi, the request from his brother Norman to gather information and his need to find out what really happened to his friends Joshua and Mary.
He had vowed that he would never become involved with his broither's murky world or work for Commander Sturgess again. He recalled the smile on the Commander's lips when he had told him as much. Now he was back in that world but he needed their help.
Buy from Amazon or createspace as a paperback or kindle or smashwords as an ebook to download.

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