Saturday 16 December 2023

The sea and I a poem

 My relationship with the sea since I retired.

The Sea and I

The canopy of jewels in the dark velvety sky

Stretching over the beach on which we sat

Gravel damp with spray beneath our legs

The Needles white and jagged but softened

By moonlight sparkling across the calm sea

A ship with lights blazing passes cheerfully

Off to some distant exotic lands and places

Will I ever sail like that again?

Out into the moonlight sea

Away! Away!

Will I again feel the thrill of leaving?

Seeing the land and the lights disappear

And the moon and stars companions

Now I sit on the beach in the soft glow

Remembering what it was like to go away

What it was like to arrive in distant lands

Sunday 3 December 2023


There has been many posts on social media about genocide. In my fantasy novel Princes Daphne, Edward Eastland has led his friends through a rift in time and space to  the aid of the Sea Elves. The Elves feel they are being systematically killed by the followers of the Tyrant. Nelvask, the magician, discuses with Latask the meaning of  genocide.

“ Tag looked at Edward but seeing he was not going to speak or give any sign that he was even listening, asked, “ What do you mean by genocide?  I have never heard that word before.”

Latask shrugged and held his hands apart. “ The usual understanding of the term genocide is the deliberate and systematic destruction of an ethnic, racial, religious, or national group. This is especially true when the destruction of a people is accomplished by mass killings of all citizens of a nation. I know that sounds legalistic but it is the best I can do to define what Nelvask and I are debating.”

“ Why would anybody, no matter how evil, want to wipe out an entire people?” Kitty’s eyes were wide with horror.

Nelvask laughed. “ Coming from a pillar of the old Empire that is a bit rich.”

Kitty bristled, her eyes flashing. “ The Empire, even during its worst excesses, did not go round killing other peoples without any reason. In most cases killing happened because there was resistance to their incorporation into the Empire. The Imperial officials tried to incorporate other nations into their system. Though under several Emperors and the Covenent the Imperial authorities might have wanted to wipe out the Rombuli, they did not even try.”

Corlina interrupted. “ I do not know enough about the history of the Empire never having lived until recently under its control. I understand what you are saying, Nelvask. For some reason the enemy of the sea elves wants to kill them all. Why?”

Nelvask shook his head. “ It is not easy to understand why one set of peoples want to get rid of another. Again I call them peoples because I do not have the information about their background. They could be some alien organism that we have never before heard of or seen. Back to the reasons why one peoples wants to wipe out another peoples. As far  as I understand, there are many complex reasons behind their desire to wipe out another peoples. First of all, targeting a population for elimination because one set of people consider the other set vermin who impeded the use of the land and resource. Usually it is imposed because one set of people has overwhelming superiority in military power. The second reason is the desire for revenge for past aggression. A third cause of massacres is fear. If the enemy is presumed to be so dangerous that it threatens “us” with extinction, then it might be a wise policy to exterminate all of them first should the occasion arise. The final reason for genocidal killing is the most difficult to understand. Sometimes the very existence on earth of an enemy community is considered so polluting, so offensive, and so unnatural that harmony cannot be reestablished until every last one of this group has been eliminated. Which of these reasons the enemy of the sea elves follows or which variant of them, I have no idea.”

Latask spoke. “ We do not have enough information to make a judgement on the issue of genocide”

As is seen it is very difficult to understand whether genocidecis taking place or not.