At last there is a recognition that though we have to do things in the short term to affect climate change in the long term we have to grasp the nettle of the increasing population. A great many of the problems stem from the increase in the population of the world.
The increasing use of fossil fuels is driven by the numbers of people. When I look out of my window in the mornings the traffic density appears to increase year by year. As the population increases so the number of cars on the road increases causing more pollution. As couples have more children who grow into adults the number of cars on the roads increases thus pouring out more pollution. As families have more children the cars carrying them to and from school increases. Waiting at the school proximity with the engine running increases pollution. We have to reduce the population.
All the climate commentators bemoan the fact that the rain forest is being grub up to make room for agriculture. What they do not emphasise is the need for more food is directly a result of the need to feed an increasing population.
There is the movement of refugees and part of this is caused by increased population. What is needed is a concerted effort on the part of all governments, aid organisations and religious groups to spread the message that contraception is the best way of decreasing the population. This applies to the Catholic Church and some Muslim sects. Part of the governments aid budgets must be used to help groups trying to get this message across.