Wednesday, 14 August 2019

What a choice if there is a UK election!

What choice if ther is a UK election soon. On the one hand Boris Johnson and on the other John McDonnell.
Boris is a maverick who concentrates on Brexit while promising the earth. He gives the impression that he knows what is going on but stumbles over some of the simplest things. He opens his mouth without thinking.
I deliberately did not say Jeremy Corbin but John McDonnell. He is the dangerous man behind the figurehead. He is the politician who wants to turn the UK into another Venezuela! How daft can one get. His policy regarding the rich is designed to give people the incentive to leave. How can we live with an unreconstructed Marxist as chanceller? A question that has to be asked is when has a Marxist government been successful? Wealth has to be created before there can be redistribution.
Of course, the wealthy are partly to blame for moves to set up a left wing government. Many rich people boast of having paid hardly any income tax. They set up tax avoidance schemes. The ordinary tax payer pays their tax and wonders how these people get away with it. In addition executives of companies give themselves msssive pay rises while keeping the wages low. No wonder they are angry.